Do you wonder why there are Twitter users who are willing to purchase Twitter followers? Apparently, there is something more on Twitter aside from sharing information and ideas. More at buy twitter followers Twitter is one of the latest social networking sites and it revolves on the principle of followers. This site offers many benefits to different age group but most often adult group is benefiting from the site. Here is how.As you can see in some people's Twitter profile, the number of their followers exceeds more than 5 thousands. There are only two conclusions you can made from this type of profiles: either the people is too famous or he /she purchase Twitter followers. In most cases, those who done this method have deep reasons. One of the main reasons is to generate profit through increasing product or service awareness.Apart from this, Twitter page can also be used as a medium for campaign and legal proceedings. Last 2008, Twitter was used for the US presidential campaign. For Barack Obama to gain more supporters, Democratic Party used Twitter page for publicity. On the day of the 2008 US election, the number of Twitter users increased by approximately 43 percent. However, the Twitter page was also used in a negative connotation. For the Republican Party to ruin the name of the Democrats, they set up fake Twitter accounts and sent out tweets.In addition, some Twitter users are using the site for personal revenge and violence. Last April 2009, Daniel Knight Hayden was accused for sending threats on the site. The threats were linked to his plan of attending a Tea Party protest. However, due to Twitter, Hayden was easily accused.In some instances, universities and colleges around the world are using Twitter for educational purposes. A good example is the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. The Twitter is used by this university to train communicative and cultural competence. The training involves sending English tweets with a certain number of words and reacting to tweets from fellow students. More so, Twitter is used to practice the authentic environment of different language.On the other side of the globe, Twitter is considered as an evaluation tool for student ratings and for expressing student views about the discussions. It is also used in some primary schools for children to organize and adjust their communication skills. In these instances, these universities or schools do not need to purchase twitter followers for evaluation and expression of worldviews.   Click here for more.        

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    May 2012



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